In May 2013, the size of single storey rear extensions which can be built as Permitted Developments –i.e without needing formal planning consent – was increased for a limited period running until the end of May 2016.

The standard guidelines set limits for the depth of single storey rear extensions to three meters on a semi-detached or terraced property, or four meters on a detached property. These limits have now been doubled to six metres and eight metres.

However, unlike usual Permitted Development projects, proposals which fall outside of the old but within the new guidelines – so which extend out between three to six metres for attached or four to eight metres for detached properties,must go through the following process:

The Process

The local planning authority must be provided with details of the proposed extension, the addresses of neighbouring properties, contact details of the developer and a scaled site location plan.

If the proposals are not clear, the local authority may ask for more information.

There is no fee payable in relation to this process.

The local authority will advise the adjacent neighbours of the proposals and they have 21 days in which to object if they wish.

If any objection is received, the impact of the proposals in planning terms will be further considered and assessed.

If no objections have been communicated to the developer within a six week period, work can commence on site – see below.

The Decision

The local authority has 42 days (six weeks) to advise the developer/homeowner that there have been no objections or that despite any objection the local impact is acceptable.

If the developer is not notified within 42 day period, the works can commence.

If the proposals are refused, the developer may appeal.

The extension must be constructed as per the submitted details and also in accordance with standard permitted development limitations and criteria including ridge height/materials etc.

The extension must be completed by 30th May 2016 and the local authority notified by letter when the project is complete.

JFL Comment:

When these changes were reported in the national press, there was great concern that local authorities would be swamped with applications for thousands of ugly larger rear extensions   – but in reality this has not happened. The numbers of extensions within the revised limits that do not fall foul of other restrictions has actually been limited.

Tips for planning a larger extension

When considering a larger single storey rear extension, make sure that the proposals (especially the roof structure) are capable of being constructed and will meet current building regulation requirements. Extra care should be taken where the proposed extension is close to trees or sewers,  further advice or consents may be needed.

JFL Design & Planning can design your larger single storey extension plans and manage the complete process through to the start of construction.

This information has been prepared by JFL Design & Planning Ltd as a general guide only and does not constitute advice on any specific matter and should not be relied upon as such. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of content, however neither JFL Design & Planning Ltd nor the authors can accept liability for errors and omissions or any action taken or not taken as a result of this information. We recommend professional advice is obtained before embarking on any construction project

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